The so-called ‘secrets of success’ cited by CEOs certainly make for interesting reading. But the truth of the matter is that there is no substitute for hard work. However, once that work ethic is in place, there are undoubtedly lessons, personal to each CEO, which they have learned along the way.
While some of these sink into the realms of Apprentice-esque business talk, “you can’t spell ‘scale’ without ‘sale’, others are thankfully more pragmatic. For fresh insight from the frontline, we spoke to Vasco de Castro, co-founder of the now international office fruit supplier Fruitful Office, to learn what successfully scaling the business has taught him.
1. Consistently deliver quality
One of the biggest challenges growing businesses face is maintaining the quality of product and customer service that they have built their reputation on. According to de Castro: “In the early days it was easy to deliver a high-quality product because I could personally inspect every fruit basket that went out. As we grew, this became impossible. You can’t do everything and be everywhere – so you have to surround yourself with a team that you trust and feel comfortable delegating to”.
This point is disputed slightly by Ariel Kaye, founder and CEO of Parachute. She believes growing businesses must break the rule of perfection to succeed on a larger scale. However, she does agree that: “Growth is a double-edged sword. With it comes hard choices and unexpected challenges. Keeping a positive, solutions-minded attitude and focusing on the big picture is imperative to moving forward”.
2. Establish the right processes and controls
Once the correct processes and controls are in place, de Castro believes every business is primed for growth. It’s essential everyone understands their role and appreciates the important part they play in the team. As de Castro says: “The feeling of ownership must be present throughout the business, from packers up to senior management, if the business is to reach its potential”.
3. Create an international business with a local feel
Although international growth is the ultimate aim of many businesses, it’s essential not to lose the local feel that makes your business what it is. This gives customers in every market something they can buy into. In the case of Fruitful Office, de Castro has made a point of employing local teams, sourcing from local wholesale markets and delivering to local offices.
He says: “We give clients the security and professionalism of getting their fruit from a well-established supplier but with the personal feel of your local greengrocer”.
What are your secrets of success for growing businesses? Do you agree with Vasco de Castro or have your own tips to share with our readers? Please leave your thoughts in the comments section below.