Advertising is the best way of promoting your product, so that you can make more amount of money from the business. The banners play a vital role in promoting the business; they are created in such a way that they could attract the large number of people towards them. Hence, a lot of software applications are created by the developers that could help in creating the attractive websites which promotes the advertising of a particular company. There are some companies that promote the advertising but will end up with a lot of other ads that are very much annoying to the viewer. Therefore developers were very much conscious about the application that could promote the advertisements of the companies. One among such website is the commercial planet that provides the free ad space for promoting the business of the companies.
What are the features of the commercial planet?
The commercial planet website provides the banner ads for the visitors so that one can choose the best as well as the perfect thing for them. The commercial planet which is commonly called the virtual planet on which the visitors can upload their banner ads whichever they like. They can upload the banner ads from any part of the world; there is no limit to upload the ads. The visitor can upload as many ads as possible. On this banner ad, the uploading of the banner ads will replace the already existing one, on that particular space. If you have created your banner in the larger size, then it is not necessary to worry, you can upload by correcting the measurement into 256*256 pixels in the PNG format. By following this format you can upload the images where you can avail free ad space even it is larger size that is even if it is in megapixel sizes.
Some essential tips on banner ads:
Thus, Banner marketing is growing day by day that involves the placing advertisements on the various websites. Banner ads make you to reach the success, hence it need to be designed with much care and you need to concentrate on the design part. Designing is the highly important task that attracts the viewers eyes which leads to the earning of more money. The designs should necessarily attract the audience as much as possible, it is always recommended to spend less amount of money and less effort for the posting process. Similarly it is must to keep the track of the ads that you have placed on the website, checking the performances of the other banner ads will also help you to get the idea of designing your banner ads.
Remember that the success of your banner ads depends upon the few factors such as the size, design, positioning, and the relevance.
- In these, checking the relevance is nothing but the verification of the similar ads that are common to your banner ads.
- Size is often taken into concern that is the size of your banner should not be very large, it is better to keep the reasonable size.