Marking in our post-modern world has changed, and continues to evolve; therefore, it’s prudent to hire a brand marketing strategist to develop and maintain your brand.
Source: http://buzzwebmedia.com.au/digital-brand-marketing/
We live in an age where approximately 50% of the global population is connected to the internet either via a mobile device or a desktop/laptop computer. This has increased the size of the consumer base that all brands are competing against each other for. The advent of social media in the last couple of years has added to the advertising noise currently in the market place as companies strive to make their voice hear above the noise.
It is therefore safe to assume that modern technologies and trends have changed the way brand marketing strategies need to be designed and implemented. Should you task your in-house marketing team to design and implement your brand marketing strategy? In my experience, it is not a good idea to keep your brand marketing efforts in-house, it is preferable to choose BrandQuest to be your marketing strategy consultant.
Why hire a brand marketing strategist?
Source: https://channelinstincts.com/2014/12/23/creating-an-effective-facebook-brand-marketing-strategy/
Before we look at why you should hire a professional brand marketer, let’s take a look at what the definition of a brand marketing strategy consultant is, and isn’t…
“Consultants aren’t magicians. Don’t go looking for someone to fix your marketing if your product doesn’t make sense. Don’t expect a consultant to swoop in and get you more clients if you don’t have a methodology that allows you to stand out.” – John Jantsch
Conversely, a branding consultant lends his/her expertise to companies in order to help them make a success of selling their products. Their value proposition includes the analysis and interpretation of current market conditions. This information can be used to develop and implement marketing strategies for both new and existing products.
Now that we have established what a brand marketing consultant is, let’s have a look at a few reasons why you should consider outsourcing your brand marketing to a marketing specialist;
Even though it might be costly to contract your brand marketing out to a specialist agency, it will save you money in the long run as a good consultant will create more value then their hourly feel by helping you increase your sales figures.
Marketing best practices
Brand marketing specialists have an intimate understanding of digital and brand marketing best practises, and they pride themselves in ensuring that their clients benefit from their knowledge. They also participate in continuing education seminars and workshops; thus, making sure that they stay up to date with the latest trends.
Honest and helpful critique
In-house marketers can sometimes overlook the finer details of why a marketing campaign has not returned the expected results. An external marketing consultant will, on the other hand, ask the hard questions about your marketing campaign as well as offering a third-party perspective on your current campaign and how to improve it.
Final thoughts
We have seen that implementing a corporate branding strategy by BrandQuest will not only help you reach your target market, but it will go a long way towards driving up your sales figures; thereby, improving your company’s bottom line. What more can you ask for?