A relationship is a link, a link, an association or a dialogue. International , on the other hand, is what belongs to two or more countries. International relations , therefore, are the bonds that are established between nations. The concept of international relations is often used to name a discipline that is part of the political sciences and focuses on the links established between States or between States and supranational entities.
The law, the politics and the economy
In particular, china us relations these relationships can be classified according to several criteria. Thus, if we start from the number of actors involved in them we could talk about bilateral, multilateral or global international relations.
In the event one belt one road news that we take as a criterion or starting point the degree of linkage that is established or that exists between the actors participating in them, two categories are established: direct and indirect interactions. The latter are those carried out through, for example, mediators or exchange of ambassadors.
And finally, the third classification is the one that is made based on the nature of the issues that are being addressed. Thus, we find relations of a political, economic, legal, mixed or military type, among others.
In addition to all the above, we also have to state that we can talk about other kinds of international relations that have gained prominence by themselves, without having to carry out their classification. Among them are, for example, the so-called international relations of cooperation, which are those that are carried out between actors who are pursuing the mutual satisfaction of their interests making use, in a complementary manner, of their powers to carry out coordinated actions .
in the same way, we can talk about international conflict relations. These are the ones that occur when two actors have different and incompatible needs or demands and use their powers to maintain those inequalities, ultimately coming to use violence.
The historians usually affirm that, until the First World War , the international policy was developed mainly through diplomacy. After this conflict, international relations acquired a new physiognomy since they had as their main objective the search for solutions to avoid warlike confrontations.
Today, international relations are developed according to various theoretical precepts and ideologies that allow the design of policies and institutions that are responsible for governing the links. The political realism, for example, believes that history moves from the intentions of domination and power of man and therefore states.
The political idealism, however, believes that human beings are altruistic in nature and that countries can work together and assist one another.
The structural neorealist , meanwhile, defends the use of war as a means of achieving peace, while neoliberals seeks to minimize the importance of the state and favors international organizations and civil associations to regulate international relations.