TaxAudit – Arrest Tax Woes with Qualified and Experienced Professionals in the USA

Tax audit representation refers to a service that qualified professionals specializing in tax matters to provide to taxpayers. They are attorneys or certified public accountants who have the necessary authorization to represent their clients during any Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audit. They develop a suitable strategy to defend their clients’ position against irregularities IRS claim to find in the taxpayers’ returns. They endeavor to prove to the tax authorities that information in their clients’ tax returns is authentic and accurate. In doing so, professionals assist their clients in various ways. They help them prepare the necessary documents, handle the IRS’s correspondence, and attend the relevant meetings for the purpose.

TaxAudit – How do tax audit representatives assist their clients in the IRS tax audit? is the website of Tax Resources Inc. This popular tax consulting company operates from its headquarters in Folsom, California, in the USA. Its qualified professionals help people resolve their tax issues with the Internal Revenue Service and state tax authorities. They specialize in areas relating to tax audit representation, tax debt relief, and penalty abatement. The specialists also provide their clients with assistance in the release of tax and stalling wage garnishment.


The experts from TaxAudit explain the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) conducts a tax audit under certain conditions where they find might discrepancies. These usually include the following five common irregularities;

1. There are numerical and calculation errors in the taxpayers’ returns,

2. Taxpayers are guilty of concealing certain sources of their income in their tax returns,

3. They claim to donate a large portion of the income to a number of charitable organizations,

4. Taxpayers owning businesses claim deductions on expenses which do not seem to relate to commercial activities, and

5. Taxpayers write off too many suspicious business losses in Schedule C of their tax returns.

Qualified tax audit professionals to alleviate stress with the IRS

The specialists further clarify taxpayers do not need to get anxious when the IRS selects them for tax audits. They should keep all the relevant documents and records the IRS official wishes to examine readily. Moreover, they should hire and appoint a qualified professional to be their tax audit representative. He will provide them with the following five services:

1. Act as a mediator between the IRS and them during the tax audit discussions,

2. Identify which of the tax returns for the last three years is subject to the tax audit,

3. Prepare all the necessary paperwork necessary for IRS audit,

4. Protect the rights of his client during the IRS audit, and

5. Assist in issuing a CP22E Notice.

The experts from TaxAudit sum up saying that undergoing an IRS tax audit can be an ordeal for taxpayers. The information they provide in their tax returns should be accurate and true; however, mistakes might occur, and conveying the same to the IRS is a mammoth task for them. This is where they need the help of a tax audit representative to help them sort out the matter with the IRS while protecting their rights in the process too!

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