How to create sales lead for small business owners

   Setting Up a business is a mountain task for anyone, it gets worse for small business owners when trying to expand their ventures and increase their customer base. First, you have to compare business cost and find the one that suits your need.

Big business establishment saves themselves the stress of generating sales lead by hiring professionals but a small business owner can’t do that as it will certainly eat into your profit. This is why it is advisable to generate leads yourself.

What are sales leads?

Sales lead are the backbone of selling. A lead can be an individual or brand who you hope to keep as a long-term customer to your services or products.  Sales lead helps you convert a one-time buyer to a perfect customer who keeps coming back for more.

Sales lead are super easy to create. You can create one from the comfort of your home and with your cell phone.

You don’t have to be a professional to do this, you can create hot leads to your products using these simple tips:

  1. Create a bangingsales funnel

 A sales funnel is a revenue funnel that leads your prospective customer through some series of the event before clicking the Call to action button which eventually results in sales.

A good design sales funnel pass through a different stage which revolutionises from customers showing interest in taking action. It invariably helps business owners transform leads to long-term paying customers.

compare business cost

A sales funnel isn’t always easy to create, it requires some years of expertise to master the act.  Good sales funnel should convert and not the other way round.

Most business owners and beginners use social media platform like Facebook to create a sales page.  This is a cheaper option but doesn’t always convert.  You can end up spending a huge amount of money on Facebook ads without reading benefits if you’re still using the orthodox method of selling on Facebook pages.

A good sales funnel starts by generating interest on social media handles which transfers to sending them to your product landing page which gives all the information needed to prospective buyers.

A landing page is the last destination of customers as it contains your product’s sales copy, Contact form for lead generation, price if your product and the call to action bottom which displays method of payment.

  1. Host free webinars

Research shows that people are inclined to showing interest in free services.  A webinar is a good way of offering value to your clients in exchange for their trust. It fosters the relationship between you and your customers.

Customers are inclined to signing up for your services if your webinar addresses their problems.

  1. Choose your promotional method

Social media are one of the easiest ways of generating hot leads.  Before running ads on social media, make some research on who your audience is and those likely to show interest in your services.

Facebook Ads helps you reach your desired audience if properly done.  The amount of reaction generated from your ads depends on your budget. This helps you generate more traffic to your site or landing page where the sales take place.

A website or blog is an excellent avenue for promoting your business and creating more awareness about your business.

  1. Write a salescopy

A sales copy contains detailed information about your product or service.  It aims to persuade interested buyers to take the final action towards buying your product.

A sales copy should focus on the benefits derived from buying your product or service.  Prospective buyers aren’t interested in your company but what they stand to gain from your service. Sales copies are used in emails, on websites or landing pages.

Prospective buyers are always hesitant to give their information out if your sales copy is convincing enough, or able to earn their trust.  They will submit their email and contact info to you.  This serves as a means of informing them of later products after their first patronage.

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